
How to Learn Fire Control

Control the fire, in terms of psychic called pyrokinesis. These fall into one of the art of telekinesis (moving objects with your mind). Just like exercise of telekinesis, pyrokinesis also need to practice every day until you can do it. How to learn fire control : Day 1st - 2nd : 1. Turn on the lighters in a quiet room, there is no wind 2. Wait 3 seconds until the fire was enlarged 3. Focus into...

Learn Release Electricity on Finger

Every human being has the power in his body, we can strengthen this power by utilizing psi in our bodies. Before you learn, try to learn to gather energy ball with psi first. How to learn: 1. Feel that there is psi in your body, feel the psi was gathered at the fingertips forefinger, collect and hold. 2. Once the energy was strong enough, try to imagine the power appears at the fingertips forefinger,...

How to Make Energy Ball

Energy ball, in this universe there is energy. Humans have the ability to control and harness that energy, for example, to change the weather like in the previous article, the actual energy or psi can be used for anything. Simple step how to make Energy ball Previously, you try to sit down to relax in a quiet room, and then you close your eyes, feel the air around you there is energy, sunlight, temperature,...

Another way to Astral Projection

With the astral body a person can walk across the sky and the earth. The first practice 1. Lie on your's room with a dark and quiet room, then slowly close your eyes and keep you relaxed. 2. Do not move but stay relaxed and focused and feel you slowly begin to feel drowsy and began to lose consciousness. 3. Allow this and continue until you feel relaxed floating feeling and then you can feel and...

Best Tricks for Astral Projection

Astral projection is one of the most Imbalance psychic abilities. Essentially you play your second body called the astral body. Unlike the physical body, this body is the subtle body which has a remarkable ability to sense beyond the boundaries of the physical body. With this body you can go anywhere in the world and in space, to the past and future and you can cross the various dimensions of life....

Learn to Change the Weather with Psi Abilities

This is not for jokes and spectacle. First you must make sure that this will not happen without the permission of God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful and Compassionate. This is my way to change the weather when I need. How to Learn : 1. Close to both hands, holding the ball like a baseball (but not your hands to touch) 2. Close your eyes, imagine the hot weather (if you want to stop the rain) or...

Meaning of Aura Colours

When you see the auras of people, you will see a different aura color variations among people with each other. Each color has its own meaning, showing how the condition of the person. Here are some of the meaning of aura colors in general. Black = negative thoughts, closed, 'gloom' Gray = gloom and sadness, sometimes fear Brown = greed, selfishness Dark red = emotional, angry Red = anger and lust,...

See the Aura of Human or Object with a Visible Eye

If we look with a relaxed and clear vision then we see that the life object as well as inanimate objects, are enveloped in color, like rainbow colors, see the left picture. This is called the aura color. This color can change depending on the condition of the human / object. How to see the Auras of Human or Object with Visible Eye ? It is very easy to see aura. For those of you who have not been...

How to Learn Telekinesis

What is Telekinesis? You need to know; Telekinesis is the human ability to control objects, time and space with his mind. For example, move objects without touching them, control the movement of the flame, and many other examples. How to learn telekinesis? And what should I do? Telekinesis can be learned by everyone because of the lessons is easy. The most important thing is focus and concentration...