
Learn to Change the Weather with Psi Abilities

This is not for jokes and spectacle. First you must make sure that this will not happen without the permission of God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful and Compassionate. This is my way to change the weather when I need.

How to Learn :
1. Close to both hands, holding the ball like a baseball (but not your hands to touch)
2. Close your eyes, imagine the hot weather (if you want to stop the rain) or heavy rain (if you want to lose the rain), devoted to the imagination between the palms of your hands.
3. You must have felt something like a ball of energy at the center of both hands, trying to keep your imagination, continue to collect.
4. After feeling 'enough', open your eyes, then threw the ball to the sky.

A few minutes later the weather would change. Try it at home, but do not use it for a joke or just play. Difficult of this trick is hard, you have to concentrate and pray a lot.

Tips : If you could see the aura, you can definitely see the energy ball.

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