
Meaning of Aura Colours

Meaning of Aura Colours
When you see the auras of people, you will see a different aura color variations among people with each other. Each color has its own meaning, showing how the condition of the person. Here are some of the meaning of aura colors in general.

Black = negative thoughts, closed, 'gloom'
Gray = gloom and sadness, sometimes fear
Brown = greed, selfishness
Dark red = emotional, angry
Red = anger and lust, anxiety, nervousness
Pink = Healthy, energetic
Red Orange = warm-hearted, friendly
Orange = ambition, creative, productive, adventurous, brave
Yellow = intelligence, intellectual, full of inspiration
Green = Good, balanced, sensible, confident, healthy
Blue = religious feeling, devotion, calm, quiet
Indigo = Intuitive, sensitive, have a strong feeling
Purple = Intuitive, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical
White = high level of spiritual
Many color = mixed emotions, "imbalance"

Previously, my post about how to learn to see auras, you have not read it click

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